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Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 7, 2007

The infinity of art

by Tuesday, 17 July, 2007
Enter the world of Digital Art and be prepared for a roller coaster ride of high lows and incredible no limit highs. Digital Arts is nothing new, but due to the nature of digital technology it is permanently redefined through the constant updates and digital innovations.

However, at its core beats the same original artistic heart as before. The upgrades to the system, the redesign and the technical advancements in the design programs work to change the outcome of the art, but in the end it still boils down to the talents of the artistic user that controls and guides the software to create art work.

ICA Ltd a leading and innovative communications agency based in Malta is hosting a Digital Arts Expo in 2008. The DA 2008 is split into Digital Art Galleries, Exhibition stands and Educational Workshops/Seminars for the creative enthusiast and professional alike.

Innovation is something that the DA 2008 is looking for, so having two of our in house talents Martin Bonnici and Roderick Darmanin, do what artists generally don't do and compete against each other in a digital Photoshop Tennis match sums up the extent that we are prepared to go to.

Photoshop Tennis is when two or more Digital Artists do the unthinkable, and try to improve on their opponent's digital creation. One artist starts off with his design and forwards it to his opponent. The opponent then takes the original design and adds his art to it thus changing the original. The rules are, the concept of the original design needs to be kept, but anything can be added or improved on.

With this in mind, we are very proud to present the players of the first "Digital Playoff" of the DA 2008 Expo;
Martin Bonnici (b. 1985) balances his time between working as a Post-Production Artist/Flash Designer and recreating his thoughts and dreams in still and moving pictures. Whereas his day job pounds him with demanding clients and projects, his late nights working on short films, animations and studying special effects allow him to flex his creative muscles and vent of the pressures of his happy little existence.

Roderick Darmanin (b. 1985) torn by the evils of work and play is forced to splits his talents. As a day walker he is a Graphic Designer extraordinaire and a vivacious Vector Artist. Using Photoshop, Illustrator, Freehand and Indesign, he earns his money at one of Maltas up and coming agencies. By night he enters the murky world of Speed painting.

Let the playoffs begin. With the art designs below Martin and Roderick have started as they mean to go on, so to follow the digital excellence as it progresses log on to the DA 2008 website at

Registration and participation is free, so join in and be part of Malta's digital culture. Limitations are yours to exceed.

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